Grants available for farm projects this season!

If you are a farmer or own farmland, you have a lot of opportunities to plan projects on your farm that may qualify for grant funding!  In east central Ontario (Durham to Hastings and everything in between) the East Central Farm Stewardship Collaborative is trying to make it easier for you by bringing information all together in one place.  

These are just examples of the many great opportunities available right now...

  • Fencing livestock out of a stream/pond/woodlot
  • Alternate watering systems
  • Planting buffers/windbreaks/marginal land
  • Restoring and enhancing wetlands for wildlife and reducing "wet" land problems
  • Improving a stream crossing
  • Invasive plant removal
  • Cross fencing for rotational grazing
  • Cover crops
  • Water well improvements/livestock watering
  • Equipment modifications to improve soil/improve nutrient application
  • Addition of organic material to low fertility fields

Funding is available right now from local conservation authorities, Ducks Unlimited Canada and from the provincial and federal governments through the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association! You do not have to choose between these programs. Many of them can be added together when you work with a Collaborative member.

For example, suppose you want to fence some cows out of a stream or pond and provide them with alternate watering (such as a solar pump). You can call the Collaborative coordinator (or any member), put together a plan and receive funding from as many as three different sources – OSCIA, Ducks Unlimited and your conservation authority!

In 2017, the members of the East Central Farm Stewardship Collaborative provided close to $250,000 in funding to farmers and farmland owners, contributing to approximately 50 projects across east central Ontario.

If you have been thinking about projects like the ones mentioned above (or have any other great ideas) get in touch as soon as possible. 

Visit and fill out a 3-minute online application form

Contact any member of the Collaborative 


Or call 705-743-7671