As the voice of Ontario’s fruit, vegetable and greenhouse farmers, the OFVGA is a nationally recognized not-for-profit association that advocates on behalf of Ontario fruit and vegetable farmers and the edible horticulture industry, and represents its members provincially, nationally, and internationally. For more info, visit:
Regional Contacts - Commodities
Regional Beekeeping Associations
The local beekeeping associations are a great source of hands-on advice and support. Check this list for the association closest to you and show up at one of their meetings. All are welcome. Contact or email to confirm meeting dates and locations.
The Grain Farmers of Ontario represents Ontario’s 28,000 growers of corn, soybean and wheat. The GFO is divided into regional districts, east central Ontario falling into District 12. For more information, visit:
The Ontario Maple Syrup Producers Association (OMSPA) is a producer based organization formed in 1966 to represent maple syrup producers across the province. Currently over 400 “sugar makers” are represented by the OMSPA across the province through their 11 local chapters.
Contacts & Regional Representation:
The Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) are the marketing group for the dairy sector in Ontario. DFO markets milk on behalf of all Ontario dairy farms to the processing industry, and is owned, operated and completely financed by the roughly 4,200 dairy farms in the province. The head office for DFO is located in Mississauga, but there are regional offices across the province. Below is a link to DFO’s index of marketing offices:
East Central Ontario Contacts:
Phone: (613) 961-8551
Fax: (613) 961-8552
The Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency is represented by a 11 member board elected on a rotating basis (four each year and three in the third year) by their peers (other sheep producers) for a three year term. All producers of sheep and/or wool in Ontario are required to register with the Agency. Upon registration, the member receives a producer card and number and is then eligible to vote at district meetings. The OSMA is divided into regional districts, east central Ontario falling into Districts 7 and 8. Below is a link to OSMA’s index of regional Districts and their affiliated contacts:
Regional Representation:
The Ontario Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) is a grassroots organization that provides leadership to cattlemen from all sectors of the industry. Membership in the OCA is based on a compulsory “checkoff” of $3.00 per head sold by cattle producers, which is paid to cover the costs OCA programs and activities. Any person that has paid the OCA licence fee (checkoff) deduction is a member of the OCA and the affiliated county or district branch in which they reside. Below is a link to OCA’s index of County/District Cattle Associations:
The OSCIA is the provincial organization responsible for the implementation of the Environmental Farm Plan and other associated cost share programs.