Eastern Ontario Local Food Conference 2013

Innovation Driving Local Food 

December 2 & 3, 2013
Ambassador Hotel and Conference Centre 
1550 Princess Street, 
Kingston, ON

This year’s conference is hosted by the Kingston Economic Development Corporation (KEDCO) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Rural Affairs.

This year’s theme is “Innovation Driving Local Food", which is appropriate since local food businesses are innovative in running their operations every day. They continuously adapt practices and look for partnerships to enhance this rapidly growing sector.

The conference is designed to facilitate stronger relationships among local food groups, challenge obstacles to growth, as well as provide timely information on key topics.

As always, the conference will provide a great opportunity to share information, learn from success stories, and gather information on innovative local food businesses, projects and best practices.

To learn more, visit the conference website. Or click here to register now

For further information, please contact Peter Coughler:
